Blog / Kotlin Programming Language and It’s Amazing Advantages

  • June 8, 2017
  • admin
  • Android-Apps-Development

Kotlin is a brand new programming language that runs on JVM and can also be compiled into JavaScript. It is also useful for Android as it can be compiled into JVM bytecode. Google has officially announced Kotlin as a supporting language for Android on 17th May 2017. The development credit goes to JetBrains, the team which has also developed Android Studio and Intelli J. The name has been taken from Kotlin island which is located near St. Petersburg, Russia. It is the place where this JetBrains team did their primary development.

Kotlin can be easily installed as a plugin from the official website of JetBrains. The developers can build Java and Android based applications based on this new programming language. The developers can easily convert the Java Code into Kotlin code and vice-versa is also applicable. After successful installation of this plugin in the Android Studio, it can be integrated with Gradle for Android application development.

Advantages of Using Kotlin Programming Language –

To cope up with the advancements of the programming world, Kotlin is the new companion for developers to develop award-winning Android applications. As Swift has made the coding and programming a hassle-free task for the iOS app developers, so Kotlin is going to make the development task easier and appealing for Android app developers.

Kotlin has amazing features. Being concise, it reduces the efforts of boilerplate coding. Kotlin is interoperable due to its support functionality for JVM and Android libraries. It also provides a safe corner to the developers as the entire class errors like null pointer exceptions can be avoided through this programming language.

Kotlin is an open source programming language. The developers can easily integrate their existing Android projects with Java Projects.

Overall, we can say that these new features of Kotlin have made the app development task easier and error free. Now, the creativity of the Android application developers will be establishing new milestones with more alluring and efficient Android apps with the help of this brand new programming language.

Being a reputed Android app development company in India, Apps24x7 welcomes this revolutionary programming language which is contributing to enhance the client’s satisfaction to a new level.